



*ask about this title for sale.



herman, judith, m.d.

the will to change: men, masculinity, & love*

bell hooks

the drama of the gifted child: the search for the true self

alice miller

woman soul: the inner life of women's spirituality

carole rayburn & lillian comas-díaz

the dialectical behavior therapy workbook for anxiety: breaking free from worry, panic, ptsd, and other anxiety symptoms

alexander chapman, kim gratz, & matthew tull

the dialectical behavior therapy skills workbook: practical dbt exercise for learning mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulation

matthew mckay, jeffrey wood, & jeffrey brantley

Bring Down the Chandeliers

tara hardy

the gifts of imperfection: let go of who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you are

brené brown

ready to heal: breaking free from addictive relationships

kelly mcdaniel

rose: love in violent times

inga muscio

healing sex: a mind-body approach to healing sexual trauma

staci haines

ambiguous loss: learning to live with unresolved grief

pauline boss

pedagogy of the oppressed

paulo freire

lost at school: why our kids with behavioral challenges are falling through the cracks and how we can help them

ross greene

the virtue of selfishness

ayn rand

when things fall apart: heart advice for difficult times

pema chodron

allies in healing: when the person you love is a survivor of sexual abuse

laura davis

father hunger: fathers, daughters, and the pursuit of thinness

margo maine & craig johnson

the black panthers speak

philip foner

The gift of therapy: An open letter to a new generation of therapists and their patients

irvin yalom, m.d.

eat mangoes naked: finding pleasure everywhere (and dancing with the pits)


letters to a young poet

ranier maria rilke

the tao of pooh

benjamin hoff

growing up again: parenting ourselves, parenting our children

charles tuttle & connie dawson

Shrill: Notes from a loud woman

lindy west

on becoming a person: a therapist's view of psychotherapy

carl rogers

autobiography of a blue-eyed devil: my life and times in a racist, imperialist society

inga muscio

the psychology of working: a new perspective for career development, counseling, and public policy

david blustein

beyond betrayal: Taking Charge of your life after boyhood sexual abuse

richard gartner

good clean fun: misadventures with sawdust at offerman workshop

nick offerman

the body keeps the score: Brain mind, and body in the healing of trauma* 

van der kolk, bessel, m.d. 

journals, proposals, articles, & links

Masculinity And Depression: Why Men Won’t Come Forward

javier mendoza, voicewaves youth radio

Advocating for psychotherapy: an apa resolution, treatment guidelines, and other efforts seek to reverse the decline of psychotherapy's use.

rebecca clay 

proposal to include a developmental trauma disorder diagnosis for children and adolescents in dsm-v 

van der kolk, bessel, a. & pynoos, robert s. 



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"Suggesting that an alternative diagnosis was necessary to capture the spectrum of coherent symptoms of children exposed to interpersonal violence and disruptions in caregiving, van der Kolk (2005) proposed the creation of a Developmental Trauma Disorder diagnosis and described the broad domains of impairment and distress that characterize these children and adolescents. Based upon empirical data, clinical observation and experience, and two decades of literature on developmental psychopathology and the effects of ongoing childhood adverse experiences and trauma, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network subsequently devised the consensus proposed criteria for Developmental Trauma Disorder. These proposed criteria are intended to describe the most clinically significant symptoms exhibited by many children and adolescents following complex trauma. While substantial evidence led to the consensus criteria, the study of complex trauma-related difficulties in children is still evolving. The traumatic stress literature has, until recently, focused largely on the effects of single types of trauma (e.g., sexual assault or sexual abuse) and on isolated diagnoses or symptom sets, (e.g., PTSD or attributional style). With the consensus criteria it will now be possible to conduct field trials to more precisely delineate which children meet criteria for Developmental Trauma Disorder, what conditions and predispositions make children vulnerable to develop DTD, which symptoms are most unique to developmental trauma, and which are shared with children with other disorders without trauma exposure, and to further validate the diagnosis and the constructs underlying it."

Relational experiences of complex trauma survivors in treatment: Preliminary findings from a naturalistic study.

tummala-narra, p., kallivayalil, d., singer, r., & andreini, r.

Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, Vol 4(6), Nov 2012, 640-648.

on women and honor: some notes on lying

adrienne rich

expert on mental illness reveals her own fight: the power of rescuing others

benedict carey

training Counseling Psychologists AS Social Justice Agents: Feminist and Multicultural principles in action 

lisa goodman, belle liang, janet helms, rachel latta, elizabeth sparks & sarah wientraub